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Training Graduates

Training of university graduates or current employees to become Drilling Engineers, Drilling Supervisors

Our Teams includes subject matter experts who can provide this service, which will not only benefit your company financially but will build a team of employees who have proven their ability through the training course and their hands-on training in the field.

Our services include:

  • Build a training course that is in line with your company requirement for the future.
  • Along with the client, we will interview graduates from local universities who have high GDP’s and have degrees in Drilling Engineering and Petroleum engineering.
  • Build a training program that includes both in-house and in-field training.
  • Each in-house training course will be followed by a final examination.
  • Pass marks will be set for each examination.
  • Following their tours in the field, they will have post-trip interviews with their instructors and a training profile will be built on each candidate which can be reviewed by the client.
  • A full business plan showing the benefits of this long term approach will be available on request.